Monday, November 21, 2022


An organisation’s human resources, in other words it’s Employees, are its lifeblood. However much innovative, committed and forward-thinking an organisation is, it will be of no use if there are no people to run it and take the company forward. According to Siddiqui (2014), an organisation’s employees are its true asset that can be a very strong source of unbeatable competitive advantage while Das & Baruah (2013) goes on to say that an organisation’s workforce is it’s most vital and dynamic resource.

“Whether it is called “people,” “labor,” “intellectual capital,” “human capital,” “human resources,” “talent,” or some other term, the resource that lies within employees and how they are organized is increasingly recognized as critical to strategic success and competitive advantage.” (Boudreau & Ramstad, 2007, p. 04)

With the above in place, it is safe to assume that a company’s greatest asset is its employees. Hence, Salah (2016) states that the success or failure of modern business organisations depends on the quality of their human resources while Ramlall (2008) states that an organization depends on it’s employee’s creativity, innovation and commitment and consider them to be essential elements for it’s success.

On these lines, it also needs to be understood that employee performance fundamentally depends on some key factors. One such key factor is Motivation. According to Asim (2013), the results of a study that was carried out to understand the impact of motivation on employee performance showed a positive relationship between the two elements. Moreover, there were clear indications that increased levels of motivation among employees resulted in increased levels of performance.

Furthermore, Vance (2006) explains that motivated employees are more engaged in their duties and are more committed to their organizations. He also adds that in addition to being more productive and less prone to resigning, they are a definite source of competitive advantage to their companies.

In this context, it can be universally understood and agreed upon that motivation has a direct bearing on employee performance which in turn, has a direct and significant impact on an organisation’s success. Siddiqui (2014) further explains this by affirming that employee performance has become a very important factor in the success of organisations and that the outcome of studies carried out in this regard suggests that the success of companies depends on employee performance. 

This blog offers a detailed look in to the subject of Employee Motivation, its theories, benefits and its relevance in today’s business context.


  • Asim, M. (2013) Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance with Effect of Training: Specific to Education Sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(9), p.9.
  • Boudreau, J. & Ramstad, P. (2007) Beyond HR – The New Science of Human Capital. Harvard Business School Press, p.4.
  • Das, B. & Baruah, M. (2013) Employee retention: A review of literature. Journal of business and management14(2), p.8.
  • Ramlall, S. (2008) Enhancing Employee Performance Through Positive Organizational Behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38(6), p.1582.
  • Salah, M. (2016) The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Performance and Productivity - A case Study of Jordanian Private Sector transportation companies located in the Southern region of Jordan. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 5, p.36.
  • Siddiqui, M. (2014) Success of an Organization is a Result of Employees Performance. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 1(4), pp.193-194.
  • Vance, R. J. (2006) Employee Engagement and Commitment - A guide to understanding, measuring and increasing engagement in your organization. SHRM Foundation, 1, p.1. 


  1. Hi Nelushan Furthermore, Motivation can be specified as a management process, which encourage people to work better for the overall benefit of the organization, by providing them motives, which are based on their unfulfilled needs. The matters arising is: “why managers need to motivate employees?” (Herzberg, 1959)
    Lindner also indicates that the most difficult role of managers is to motivate employee, because what motivates employees changes always (Bowen and Radhakrishna 1991, 16-22).

    1. Thanks for your comment Rayan. Furthermore, Nohria et al., (2008) states that managers attempting to boost motivation
      should take note that its hard to argue with the accepted wisdom, which is backed by empirical evidence, that a motivated workforce means better corporate performance.

  2. Great approach for the start Nelushan, furthermore, most managers generalize the demands of the staff, which results in poor organizational performance and teach their staff internally within a short period of time, which demotivates most workers because they aren't given enough time to learn new technology (Bruce, 2006). Businesses should build strong bonds with their personnel that prioritize job accomplishment and employee happiness in order to overcome challenges (Fisher, 2012).

    1. Thanks for your comment Romeda. Beyond motivation, to achieve success in today’s highly competitive environment, many organizations have identified the need to engage their workforce. As organizations have realized this requirement, employee engagement has become an increasingly popular topic for researchers and practitioners in recent years (Bergström & Martínez, 2016).

  3. Hi Nel, According to Handayani et al. (2020) Employee work motivation can be based on the principle of human needs. If these needs are met, job satisfaction will be created. Basic human needs can be in the form of intrinsic and extrinsic needs.One of the theories regarding needs as a concept of work motivation is Maslow's theory including basic physiological needs, security needs at work, the need for harmonization of work relationships, the need to increase self-esteem and the need for actualization.

    1. Thanks Malshani. According to Asim (2013) a study was done to find the effect of employee motivation on employee performance in which it was concluded that if employees are more motivated then their performance will increase.

  4. Agreed. Making employees feel valued and appreciated in an organization is crucial since this motivates them to work harder and with more loyalty for the company. Employees who are in their early or mid-career stages of employment expect more gratitude from their next bosses within the company. For businesses looking for low-cost ways to thank staff for their efforts, thanking them several times per week, frequently by sending notes to their homes, is a recent development. An employee-of-the-month program is the least time-consuming way to ensure that his staff felt appreciated (Sekhar, Patwardhan and Singh, 2013).

    1. To add further to your comment, employee engagement addresses these concerns and has become a leadership priority today. Organisations' management are finding themselves being tested every day on its capabilities to keep its employees engaged while also implementing the policies defined (Chandani et al., 2016)

  5. Agreed. An essential stimulus that controls human behavior is motivation. Numerous theories on motivation have been developed to explain related elements of motivation. please try explain that too.

    1. Thank you Zacky for your comment. I have addressed this via the next posts, namely Types of Motivation and the Motivation Theories.

  6. Hi Nelushan, Employees will only perform efficiently if their managers are motivating them effectively. Managers responsibility thus include ‘combining good motivational practices with meaningful work, the setting of performance goals, and use of an effective reward establish the kind of atmosphere and culture that is needed to excel’(

    1. To add to your comment Naushad, the job of a manager in the workplace is to get things done through employees. To do this the manager should be able to motivate employees. To understand motivation, one must understand human nature itself and human nature can be very simple, yet very complex too. An understanding and appreciation of this is a prerequisite to effective employee motivation in the workplace and therefore effective management and leadership (Shahzadi et al., 2014)

  7. Great start to content Nelushan. further would like to refer to Motivation as a meaningful construct is a desire to satisfy a certain want and is a central pillar in the workplace. Thus, motivating employees adequately is a challenge as it has what it takes to define employee satisfaction at the workplace (Forson, 2021). According to Armstrong (2009), Motivation is the goal-oriented behavior of each individual. It consists of a set of internal factors, which are the driving force of a human being, who regulates his/her own behavior and experience. Motivation is achieved by developing some effort – an activity that is expected to lead to a goal representing the satisfaction of individual needs of the person. Well-motivated people are those who have clearly defined goals, which effectively operate and have developed a sense of duty, because they are aware that their efforts lead to satisfaction not only their own needs but those of the company as well.

    1. Thanks for your feedback Sachini. According to Shahzadi et al., (2014) performance of the employee is considered as what an employee does and what he doesn’t do and employee performance involves important elements such as quality and quantity of output, presence at work, accommodative and helpful nature and timeliness of output.

  8. A well satisfied and comfortable employee can give output much more than a unsatisfied employee. To get a better result, employees need should be fulfilled in a priority basis. The ways which can be done are training, recognition, proper communication, proper working atmosphere and so on. All these can be linked to different motivation styles. These will give a huge confidence to employees which will result in great results

    1. Thanks for your comment Udaya. Furthermore, employee performance is actually influenced by motivation because if employees are motivated then they will do work with more effort and by which performance will ultimately improve (Azar and Shafighi, 2013)

  9. Great Post . Further The organization will gain from employee retention if they are motivated. In the business, recruiting and training new employees costs money. Retaining qualified workers and reducing turnover will lower this expense and boost a company's earnings. The greatest approach is to develop a company culture and proactive workers. Both good and bad places have a good reputation for businesses. People will continuously desire to work for your organization if you can establish the reputation of the former, and those who already do so will be reluctant to quit. These elements will aid in the creation of a strong and successful business culture (McKee, 2018)

    1. Thanks for your comment Insaff and furthermore, Chandani et al., (2016) established that employee turnover has taken different industries by storm, as employees are found to be constantly switching jobs thus causing high attrition rates. Hence employee retention and engagement has become a daunting task for organisations in these unstable economic times.

  10. Agreed with the Content Nelushan, Employee motivation, just one part of the motivation and performance formula, is frequently studied since it provides insight into employee behavior and a foundation for predicting future behavior. There is no single acknowledged theory of employee motivation. Furthermore, motivational philosophies are classified into three types: content motivation, process motivation, and reinforcement theory (Lussier, 2017).

    1. Thanks for your comment Christeena. Akinwunmi et al., (2018) argues that it can be practically impossible to find a perfect solution that will enhance both job satisfaction and performance continuously and states that to stimulate better performance, motivational factors must be considered a vital part of organisational growth and sustainability, given high priority and applied systematically.

  11. Great article Nelushan, I agreed the content and to add furthermore, every individual in an organization is motivated by some different way. When talking in term of employee motivation, it can be simply defined as “Employee motivation is a reflection of the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's workers bring to their jobs. Motivating the staff leads to broaden their skill to meet the organizational demands (Mohamud, Ibrahim and Hussein 2017). Moreover,
    motivation is the force that energizes, directs and sustains behaviour. High performance is achieved by
    well-motivated people who are prepared to exercise discretionary effort, independently do more than
    is expected of them (Armstrong, 2014).

    1. Thanks for your comment Sanath. Employee motivation is very important for organizations as every concern requires physical, financial and human resources to accomplish the goals. It is through motivation that the human resources can be utilized for this purpose. This can be done by building willingness in employees to work. This will help the enterprise in securing the best possible utilization of resources. It results in increase in productivity, reducing cost of operations, and improving overall efficiency (Shahzadi et al., 2014)

  12. Great article Nelushan. Agreed with the content, furthermore, Motivation requires that employees achieve certain outcomes, such as performance and productivity. He also showed that motivated workers are more autonomous and self-driven compared to less motivated people. Additionally, highly motivated employees are more eager to take on responsibility and have a strong sense of commitment to their jobs and careers. (Shahzadi et al., 2014

    1. Thank you Dehara. To add to Shahzadi et al., (2014) motivation is fundamentally meant to facilitate behavioral alteration and is a force that enables an individual to act in the direction of a particular objective.

  13. Employee Motivation is a great topic nowadays because people went through lot of harmful external events in recent years. Great article Nelushan. Additionally, Motivation as a meaningful construct is a desire to satisfy a certain want and is a central pillar at the workplace. Thus, motivating employees adequately is a challenge as it has what it takes to define employee satisfaction at the workplace (Forson et al. 2021).

    1. Thanks for your comment Manula. Just to add, employee motivation is very important for organizations as every concern requires physical, financial and human resources to accomplish the goals. It is through motivation that the human resources can be utilized for this purpose. This can be done by building willingness in employees to work. This will help the enterprise in securing best possible utilization of resources. It results into increase in productivity, reducing cost of operations, and improving overall efficiency. (Shahzadi et al., 2014)

  14. Good approach Nelushan, As per (Armstrong, 2014) Positive discretionary behavior is used by highly motivated individuals when they choose to exert effort. Such individuals may be driven by their own actions, which is the ideal type of motivation as long as it indicates that they are moving in the right way to accomplish their goals

    1. Thank you for your comment. To add further, employee performance fundamentally depends on many factors like performance appraisals, employee motivation, employee satisfaction, compensation, training and development, job security, organization structure and others. A motivated employee is responsive of the definite goals and objectives he/she must achieve, therefore he/she directs their effort in that direction (Sandhu et al., 2017)


Conclusion, advantages of employee motivation and recommendations

Salah (2016) establishes that modern organisational success or failure is dictated by the quality of it’s employees with researchers such as...